Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Integrity of IPCC will determine if it can meet hopes of LDCs: Ranjan Panda

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) prepares to release its 1.5°C special report on Monday 8 October, expectations are there that the IPCC will make a clear case for limiting the global warming to 1.5 degree C and suggest strong actions. 

The Chair of the Least Developed Countries Gebru Jember Endalew, in a release, has said that “It will be important that the report and the Summary for Policy Makers clearly sets out the scientific necessity of limiting global warming to 1.5° C as opposed to 2°C to protect people and the planet, and highlights the vast discrepancy between this goal and our current global emissions pathway .In doing so, the report will shine a spotlight on the scale of the challenge the international community must rise up to meet. A future where warming is limited to 1.5°C is a brighter future for all.”

Governments across the world need to take the report seriously and we need a fair and ambitious action plan to limit warning below 1.5° C, said the release.  The current plans are not enough, as we all know and Gebru too apprehends.  http://bit.ly/2RdNGfv  

From other reports we have seen how the US is trying to exert pressure on IPCC to dilute the report. http://bit.ly/2OA4bno The US has always played such tricks with the climate goals and actions in the international negotiation process.  The IPCC needs to stick to science and integrity!

Ranjan Panda

Convenor, Combat Climate Change Network, India

Skype: ranjan.climatecrusader

Tweets @ranjanpanda
Tweets @MahanadiRiver  

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